Cheat 2 as ALL Country Read Recomendation in Under Post! (Click Download cheat 2)
Cheat 1 just for Indonesia!
Burst + 1 Hit (hanya Weapon SG) Tekan home >>Loading Hackshield itu saat hacksield muncul loading tulisan di tengah!! (check screnshot Loading Hacksield di bawah post)
Windows 7 pakai cit 1 juga bisa cheat 1 all windows work no lag!
Don't to Show OFF

Downloads Cheat 1 [Mr A]
Click Here
Downloads Cheat 2[Turkeys,Spanyol,Italy,PH,TH,Rusia,Etc]
Click Here
FPS[D3D Menu]
Mini Indo
Chams Tero
Chams Police
No Smoke
No Fog
No Flash[ESP MENU]
Name Tag
Esp Line[Player]
Anti Respwn
Hp Up +20
Quick Fast
Unyu Mode | Bug Wallshot
Dino Replace Hack
Speed Mode
Plant Bom
Defuse Bom
Ghost Wanna Be!
Auto Bug Luxvile[Weapon]
Ammo Limited
Accuracy 100%
Quick Change
Set Replace
Auto Headshot
Aim Head (New)
Auto Fire Shoutgun[Option]
Anti Program Ilegal
Anti Banned
Check Premium
Exit Game
Recomendation Cheat 2
PointBlank Spanyol [Active]
PointBlank Rusia [Active]
PointBlank Thailand [Active]
PointBlank Philipina [Active]
PointBlank Turkey [Active]
PointBlank Indonesia [Active]
PointBlank Tahadi / ARAB [Active]
PointBlank Colombia / Amerika Latin [Active]
PointBlank Korea [Active]
PointBlank Amrika / PBLackout (Nothing)
PointBlank SG / Singapura [Active]
Hotkeys D3D Menu:
D3d Menu On/OFF : INSERT
Arah Panah kanan = ON
Arah Panah Kiri OFF
Arah Panah ats & Bawah Pilih cit
Tutorial :
Buka PB launcher | Open PB Launc
Buka Cheat | Open Cheat
Keluar Message Box/notice | Display Message >> Click OK
Ok,ok saja Hepii Cheatting dah
Tutorial Burst modeBurst = Buat yang Suka Ber MAIN SG an = Tidak untuk senjata bebas[Selain Weapon SG tidak Bisa/Hacking tool]
Bagi yang Ingin pakai 1 hit + Burst SG Tekan HOME Saat Loading Hacksield[saat hackield Muncul di kanan bawah] , bagi yg tidak ingin pakai gak usah tekan home

Keterangan : BUAT WINDOWS 7 and Windows Vista
-Buka Cheat Jangan Menggunakan DOUBLE klik!!!
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator
-Buka PB nya pun jangan pakai Double Klik
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator juga
Okay paham KAN
Tested Windows Xp = 3 jam ++ WORK!
Tested Windows 7 = 2 Jam ++ WORK!
Pass wd-blog
cheat point blank terbaru 1 hit download cheat point blank terbaru cheat point blank headshot cheat point blank online cheat point blank terbaru bulan oktober 2012 cheat point blank terbaru 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 oktober cara cheat point blank terbaru cheat point blank terbaru oktober work 100%
ket: *Orange = belum dibaca | *Biru = sudah dibaca
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