Halaman ini berisi naskah-naskah drama bahasa inggris yang diperuntukkan untuk pelajar Indonesia. Naskah dalam bentuk pdf. Kami menyediakan dua jenis naskah: Pidato Bahasa Inggris dan Drama. Silahkan di download gratis.Terima kasih telah mengunjungi situs ini.
Topic: How to face globalization Era. Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Negative Effects of Television. Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address Speech (Pidato pelantikan Barack Obama). (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Valedictory Speech (Pidato Perpisahan), occasionally used in school farewell/graduation ceremony (biasanya digunakan dalam upacara perpisahan atau penamatan sekolah). Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: version1: click-here»»…, version2_full-english: click-here»»…
Topic: Valedictory Speech_Original-English_Xavier Education School. Grade: for SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download:click-here»»…
Topic: Valedictory Speech_Original-English_Santana High School. Grade: for SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: The Importance of Mastering English. Grade: SMA/MA/SMK/University (script pdf_written by Jasmansyah). download: click-here»»…
Topic: John F Kennedy’s Inaugural Address Speech (Pidato Pelantikan John F Kennedy). (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Condolezza Rice’s Speech on Opening Statement to the Comission. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Barack Obama’s Speech at Cairo University: New Beginning. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Independence Day. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Ramadhan: The Islamic Month of Fasting. Grade: SMP/MTs/SMA/MA/SMK/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: A Speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the Occasion of the Opening of the 9th International Congres on AIDS in Asia and Pacific (ICAAP). Grade: public, government press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: A Speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Government Leaders Forum Asia (Glf Asia). government press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Earth Day (1)_ Save Our Earth. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Earth Day (2)_ Environment. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Earth Day (3)_ original-English-Rothcshild’s speech. Label: celebration of earth day april22, 2006. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Education System in Indonesia. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Heroes’ Day, 10 November. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Education, PGRI, Teachers’ Day (1)_ Teachers’ Day. Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Education, PGRI, Teachers’ Day (2)_ Teachers: Heroes without Medals. Grade: SMP/SMA/SMK. (script-pdf). download:click here»»…
Topic: Keynote Speech by DPR RI 2008 at the Conference of Asia Pacific Parliamentarians for Education. public, government press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Women’s Rights and Emancipation (1). Title: Kartini Day (Hari Kartini). Grade: SMP/SMA/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Women’s Rights and Emancipation (2). Title: Kartini Day and Women’s Emancipation (Hari Kartini dan Emansipasi Perempuan). Grade: SD/SMP. Added: The Translation in Indonesian. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Leadership, People Empowering, Community Development. Title: Good Leaders will Make a Better Indonesia. Speech by: Risa Bhinekawati, one of Indonesian inspiring women. Grade: college, university, public-government. (script-pdf). download:click here»»…
Topic: Master of Ceremony / MC (1). Title: Opening Speech by Master of Ceremony (MC) in English Meeting. Grade: SMP/SMA/SMK. (script-pdf)-download: click here»»…
Topic: Opening Speech at the 14th Meeting of the Plants committee in Namibia. Grade: formal, public, governmental press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Opening/Address Speech by Ir. Soekarno at the Asia-African Conference – Bandung, 1955. Grade: formal, public, governmental press release. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Video: English Speech. Title: English speaking contest of national college students. Grade: college, university, public. File: video_flv; supplied with running/displayed texts. download: click here»»…
Topic: Video: English Speech. Title: Barack Obama’s Victory Speech. Grade: college, university, public. File: video_flv,download: click here»»…. File: script_pdf, download: click here»»…
Topic: Learning English is Interesting. Grade: SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Tourism (1). Title: Mamasa as a Tourist Destination in West Sulawesi. Grade: SMA/MA/SMK, College/University, public. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Human Rights. Title: Message to the Grass Roots, a speech delivered by Malcolm X on November 10, 1962 in Detroit. download: audio- click here»»… download: pdf script- click here»»…
Topic: Psychology, Behavior. Title: Learning to Respect Oneself, a speech script by Inkeri Silvennoinen. (script-pdf). download:click here»»…
Topic: Master of Ceremony / MC (2). Title: Master of Ceremony (MC) for Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony. Bilingual: MC-1 speaks in English; MC-2 in Indonesian. Grade: SMP/SMA/SMK. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Tourism (2). Title: Visit Lamongan with Many Beautiful Objects in Tourism. Grade: SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University, public. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Drugs. Title: Drugs and Young Generation, a speech script written by ©Rahel. Grade: SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University, public. (script-pdf). download: click here»»
Description: Download 37 naskah pidato / drama bahasa inggris
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: Eri
ItemReviewed: Download 37 naskah pidato / drama bahasa inggris
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